Steering You Right (Power Steering Signs of Problems)
August 27, 2023
Nearly every modern vehicle on the road today has power steering, a wonderful invention that makes steering take far less effort than it did in the "good old days." Today, we take our steering for granted: until something goes wrong, that is. Most power steering these days is rack-and-pinion, th... More

Improve Your Night Vision When Driving in Marion
August 20, 2023
Night driving in Marion is not as safe as daylight driving as evidenced by the increased accident rate at night. Much of that is simply because it's dark outside.Visibility is important to safe driving. Ninety percent of our driving decisions are based on what we see. And at night, we just can't ... More

Under Pressure in Marion: TPMS
August 13, 2023
Have you noticed an increase in price when you get a flat tire fixed in Marion, or have your tires rotated? It might be the result of your TPMS, or Tire Pressure Monitoring System.The federal government began requiring a TPMS system on 2008 model year passenger vehicles and light trucks. Some 20... More

Easy Miles ? Do Marion Driving Conditions Affect Service Intervals?
August 6, 2023
Have you ever noticed that your vehicle has a schedule in your owner's manual for what is called severe service maintenance? Let's define what severe driving conditions aren't: The easiest driving a vehicle experiences is traveling on the interstate for 20 miles (32 kilometers) or more at a cons... More